Jake Horsfield

Before, I completed a PhD in structural graph theory
I was supervised by Professor Kristina Vušković
Claw-free \(\beta\)-perfect graphs
with K. Vušković
Accepted for publication in Discrete Mathematics -
Graphs with all holes the same length
with L. Cook, M. Preissmann, C. Robin, P. Seymour, N. L. D. Sintiari, N. Trotignon and K. Vušković
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (2024) -
List \(k\)-colouring
\(P_t\)-free graphs: a mim-width perspective
with N. Brettell and D. Paulusma
Information Processing Letters (2022) -
Bounding the mim-width of hereditary graph classes
with N. Brettell, A. Munaro, G. Paesani and D. Paulusma
Journal of Graph Theory (2021) -
Two classes of \(\beta\)-perfect graphs that do not necessarily have simplicial extremes
with K. Vušković
Discrete Mathematics (2021)
- 2021: TA for Algorithms & Data Structures 1 (Level 2) and Fundamental Mathematical Concepts (Level 1)
- 2020: TA for Graph Theory: Structure and Algorithms (Masters level)
- 2020: TA for Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (Level 1)
- 2019: TA for Algorithms & Data Structures 1 (Level 2)
- 2019: TA for Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (Level 1)
- Algorithms and Complexity Seminar 03/2021 (Leeds) Variations on 2-joins [slides]
- ACiD Seminar 02/2020 (Durham) \(\beta\)-perfect graphs that do not necessarily have simplicial extremes [slides]
- Workshop on even-hole-free graphs 04/2019 (Belgrade) \(\beta\)-perfect graphs [slides]
Conferences, workshops and research trips
- Research visit to Wilfrid Laurier University, 1-22 July 2022 (hosted by Kathie Cameron)
- Research visit to Durham University, 25-28 Feb 2020 (hosted by Daniel Paulusma)
- Research visit to ENS de Lyon, 2-9 June 2019 (hosted by Nicolas Trotignon)
- Bordeaux Graph Workshop 2019 (Bordeaux)
- Algorithms UK Workshop 2019 (Warwick)
- British Combinatorial Conference 2019 (Birmingham)
- Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference 2019 (Oxford)
- Workshop on even-hole-free graphs 2019 (Belgrade)
- Together with Ben Bumpus, Ethan Kelly and Michael McKay, I was an organiser of the e-PCC seminar, an online seminar series for PhD students and postdocs working in discrete mathematics and combinatorics.